A New Chapter in Our Community!
Starting today, you will have the privilege of reading articles written by both Yanina Vallejos and La Bruja de los Negocios. Two voices, two approaches, but with a common mission: to create new ways of life through design, technology and conscious innovation. But how can you differentiate between each of them? Here I explain it to you.
Who is Yanina?
Yanina Vallejos is the strategic mind and the clear guide that leads us through real, tangible paths full of possibilities. Her thoughtful pen is full of practical solutions, advice on personal development and how to transform ideas into projects that really contribute to humanity. When you read Yanina, you will feel the peace of mind of a clear vision about the solutions that humanity has within reach and how we can create a more connected, fair and prosperous future. She is the voice that will lead you along the path of conscious action and design as a tool to improve everyone’s lives.
Who is La Bruja de los Negocios?
But when The Business Witch takes over, the rules change. She is not predictable, nor does she follow straightforward paths. Her words are riddles, mind games, and songs that hide deep wisdom, like a mysterious spell that invites you to unravel the secrets of the universe. The Witch does not deliver answers easily. Each message from her is loaded with prophecies, visions, and cryptic reflections on world events and the future of humanity. If you feel that what you read challenges you to think beyond the obvious, or leaves you with the sensation of being faced with something hidden, then it is because The Witch has spoken.
Through her vision, The Witch anticipates the movements of the universe and uses intuition to reveal alternative paths, opening new perspectives for all those who dare to follow her. In her words, knowledge is present, but she will only reveal it to those who are willing to understand her hidden language.
Two Voices, One Mission: Creating New Ways of Life
Both voices have the same purpose: to open new opportunities and raise collective consciousness. Yanina brings the practical knowledge, structure, and clear vision. The Witch brings the magic, intuition, and vision of what is to come. Together, they form a powerful alliance that offers our community unique and transformative guidance.
So prepare to dive into two complementary worlds: one filled with clarity and possibilities, and another filled with mysteries and wisdom to discover. The magic of this journey is that, in the end, both paths will lead you to the same destination: to create the new, the transformative, the truly transcendental.